Nintendo Fans: The Bored Page Season 1
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Movie 3/Movie 3

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The only page on MB Gold that uses Comic Sans font!

Season 1 Finale!

Part One_________________________________________________________________
I know! Let's play
No? Mkay, your loss...
I know! let's go over some basic stuff.

It's FAQ, you say?
Look, who's site IS it, mine or yours? Yes, of course it's yours!
I think...
QUESTION 1: About everyone else with humor on their page has done a rip-off of FAQ. Why do you do the same with them?

ANSWER 1: It's a cheap ploy that pulls in many users. What can I say, "It works"? No wait... "it works!" AAAARRRRRGH!!!

QUESTION 2: What's good on TV right now?

ANSWER 2: Oh, you know. The EzChannel has a documentary on Studio 64. I think Nick has his own channel... it's YAHOO: The Adventurous Adventure, and other stuff is on TV. Next question!

There are no more. We've ran out sir.
we cant afford html tags or shift any more, sir. oh no11111 but then it wont be right1 what will we do/1/1/1

Oh no... HTML... it's back...


~HTML places a hamburger patty on Golem~

NOOOOOOOO!! NOT PATTY!!! PITY!!!!!!! ~gets out from under patty~

HTML: Your time has come... WAZZAZZAZZAZZPIZZAZ!!!!!!!!

Golem: Yay! I have a pencil!

Nick: I... uhhhh... ummmmm...

Pamster: ~arrives on scene~ Golem, come quick! Bowser has taken over my EzBoard and my page!

Golem and Nick: O.o;

Pamster: Oops! I mean 4 Kids!

Golem: Let's go!


4 Kids Executive: Do the Mario! Swing your arms... HEY!!! HOW'D YOU THREE GET HERE IN MY OFFICE?!

Nick: The weird music did it! Waaaaaaa-aaaaaa-aaaaaa... look out the window!

Pam: A huge vending machine is taking over the city!

Mario: ~somehow gets into scene~ Hello! Welcome to 4 Kids Burgers. What would you like today?


Pam: If you don't stop messing with my pages, then I'll... I'll...

4KE: You'll what?

Pam: I'll double-click your mouse a lot!


Click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click

Pam: Will you give up?


What will happen? Find out next time!

Part Two_________________________________________________________________
Last time, Pam's web stuff got taken over by 4 Kids and a huge vending machine took over the city! When she yelled at the 4 Kids Executive, the HVM replied! Could they be in "cahoots"?

Golem: "Cahoots"?

Nick: You know, working together secretly... Y'know.

Pam: So, is this true? Are you working with HVM?

4KE: It all started when I was 8...


Golem, Nick, and Pam: Uh-oh. --0

4KE: I was on 32nd Street and I tripped and broke a baby tooth. My mom took me to my dentist... inside his office was a vending machine about a square meter bigger than usual. But while the dentist looked over me, it grew bigger... as big as the (12-story)building! I said, "You wanna make a cartoon company?" It said yes.
So ever since then, we've been partners.

Golem, Nick, and Pam: ~with tissues and crying a lot~ AHOOOHOOOO!!! THAT IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

4KE: So let me go, okay? <: )

Golem and Nick: Okay... <: )

Pam: ~slams down her hands on 4KE's desk~ NO!!! IT ISN'T FAIR!

Golem and Nick: ~as background singers~ It isn't faaaaair...

Pam: I have a right to web stuff!

G and N: Stuuuuuuuuuff...

Pam: So give control back!

G and N: Back-ack-ack!


G and N: Saaaaaaaaaaflyyyyyyyyyy...

Everyone Else: QUIT IT!

G and N: Okay... <: (

Pam: Good!
Lesse all that's been wrong:

-Nick's dead: Solved that...
-My web stuff got taken over: Solved that too...
-Nick's advertising Yahoo: ~GASP!~ We haven't done that one!!!

~Nick gets an evil grin~

~Hercules and Xena come in~

Hercules: Sorry, left my... lunch... here...

Xena: What the heck is this place?!?! You all are weirdos.

Part Three_________________________________________________________________
Hercules: They need our help, Xena! Can't you see the giant vending machine outside?

Xena: Huh?

Hercules: Hey, isn't it a crystal-powered vending machine?

Golem: What are you talking about?

Nick: I don't know! I wasn't talking!

Pam: No, the giant vending machine isn't our problem! It's Nick advertising Yahoo!

~an hour later...~

Nick: YahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahooYahoo

Golem: Like that worked!!!

Pam: What did H&X do?

Hercules: By using the narrative "~an hour later...~", we saved the writer time and effort!

Xena: Woohoo! Let's celebrate!

Nick: At Yahoo!

Golem: NO! You aren't advertising Yahoo, remember?

Nick: But that's--

~everyone ties Nick up~

4KE: That isn't nice!

Santa: No, it isn't! Is it? I can't remember... what did he do?

When SANTA Gets ALSHEIMERS: Next time on the Discovery Channel's ABC 123 program, annually!

Xena: They're me violent charms, magically...

Hercules: Beat up!

Pam: That's it!

Nick: Is it?

Golem: The end!

4KE: Oh yeah!

Part Four_________________________________________________________________
Our heroes(I suppose) are walking in a huge valley with nothing better to do. They're now experiencing the same feeling as the title o' the page.

Golem: You got that right.

Nick: I can't believe I advertised Yahoo. : (

Golem: It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they seem possessed.

Pam: What can we do now for idiotic adventures that no one can understand?

Nick: Uhhhhhh...

Golem: That's a good question.
I can't come up with much in the way o' weird characters 'cuz I'm watching TV.

Nick and Pam: Whazzat?

Golem: Err, the writer is, and I'm the writer's author character.

Pam: Perhaps you could turn the TV off.

Golem: Isn't possible.

Nick: I feel a weird character coming on! : D

Golem: You see, my TV is a special TV.
When I was six, my mom was over at my aunt's house while...

Nick: You didn't have that TV until you were eight.

Pam: Hold the story, I'm getting some popcorn. Golem: We're in a valley! Where would you find some popcorn?

~Pamster reaches behind her and whips out a popcorn bag.~

Nick: She's good.

Golem's TV: POPCORN!!!

Nick: Hey, you didn't mention that your TV talks.

Golem: It also microwaves and plays the radio in the continental US, other than showing television shows. In every box you get an offer for a free trial package of president for the day, in which you really become president o' the US after alliancing with the French GIGN and Cheat City to take over the United States in twenty years along with the rest o' the world. Offer prohibited where void. Not valid for people outside o' the continental US.

Pam: Good! That means we can microwave this popcorn!

Nick: It wasn't already popped?

Pam: Yeah. I figured if we used our imagination, it would seem like popcorn...

Golem: Good thinking.

GTV: So, come on, put the popcorn in and time me.

~5 seconds later...~ GTV: Popcorn's ready. Nick: That was quick! You sure that was long enough?

Golem: It had better be. Otherwise, I wouldn't have hired my TV.
It all started when--

Pam: We don't need to hear a flashback.

GTV: Oops, I ate all the popcorn.

Golem: Oh yeah, he also has a digestive system.

GTV: Never mind. I have seen your powerful clicking techniques.

Golem, Nick, and Pam: Annnnnd...

GTV: I would like to battle with no rules.

Nick: Hey, I can't remember who was clicking.

Pam: Me neither.

Golem: I'm not doing it.

Nick and Pam: Well we aren't! Go, go! ~they shove Golem forward~

Golem: Click click click click click click click click!

GTV: Dang, you're good, but... Squeak click pound squeak click pound squeak click pound squeak click pound squeak click pound!!!

Golem: AAH! Hey, no fair!

GTV: No rules, remember?

Golem: I quit.

GTV: Awww, come on!

Golem: No.

Nick: I'll go next!

GTV: That's against the no rules rules.

Pam: Hey, look! A piece of grass!

Golem, Nick, and GTV: A PIECE OF GRASS?!?! WOW!!!

Pam: ~takes out a red and white key~ Return to your power confined! Poké ball, GO! ~throws the key at the piece of grass, a poké ball appears, the piece of grass goes inside with a flash of light, and the poké ball dissappears, then the key dissappears~

GTV: Wow. She must be a good captor of the Clow cards/pokémon trainer to do that.

Golem: Heheh, I love doing this. This confuses everyone, especially people who don't watch animé.

~Nick, Pamster, and GTV fall over animé style and get an animé sweatdrop.~

Golem: This gets better and better. ^^

Pam: Stop it!

GTV: Yeah. It's bad enough when you aren't even basing it on cable animé, and then the true Mario fans are prob'ly scared out of their wits by now.

Nick: Let's try something else.

GTV: How about...

Pam: He isn't going to... <: O

Golem: Yes, he is!... <: O

Nick: AAHH!!!

GTV: The end.

Golem: Oh!

Pam: We thought you were gonna do something drastic.

Nick: I was just trying to fit in.

Part Next

Not caring about whatever trouble Bob the Builder and Evilpuff might give them, the gang was discussing who should leave for the season ender's season ending moment of season endingness.

Golem: I certainly can't, I'm the author!

Nick: Well, leaving me out would just be plain weird. Can you imagine life without someone with "N" in their name?

Pamster: Me leaving would be... Uhhh...

Golem: ...Like...

Nick: ...Not having you here!

~a huge box appears~

Golem: Oh, no! It's a something-or-other!

~the screen turns into a bio, as a picture of a vending machine is displayed on the left and some japanese writing is appearing on the right side~

Golem: Vending Machinemon is Huge Vending Machine's long lost twin evil cousin, but isn't nearly as kind! Watch out for his Quarter Flood!

~screen changes back to Golem, Nick, and Pam~

Pam: Why'd you just say that?

Golem: Say what?

VM: I represent everything in Golem's brain that pops up spontaneously!

Backup People there for no particular reason: Ahhhhhhh. Hhh. !!!

Pam: How is that evil?

VM: I mean, that are bad!

Ba da bum.

Pam: Persuasion Blaster!

VM: Uhhh, Pamster?

Pam: Yes?

VM: You have to battle me using psycho-kinetic energy.

Nick: Like this? ~closes eyes~

VM: You're a fast learner!

Golem: ~blinks his eyes twice~

VM: That's it! Stop me before I create a problem!

Pam: ~claps while she closes her eyes~ VM: You did it! ~transforms into an ameoba~

Golem: I've never met a nicer villain.

~a shadowy figure floats down from the sky~

???: Pam... you have done well.

Pam: 4 Kids President!

4KP: You are correct. Learning to clap your hands is a vital tactic, and I have learned to respect you. I bestow upon you the Button of Cool Stuff.

Pam: Wow!

4KP: And you other two...

Golem and Nick: Yeah?

4KP: You couldn't fight off an ant.

Golem and Nick: A-heh-heh...

~And so, 4KP left this world forever to live on the moon. He is trying to conquer the man in the moon.~

~insert witty narration comment here about going to New York to go to France for the leaving-for-the-season-finale-contest~

Pam: This is a season finale? We've had only about five episodes!

Nick: That doesn't matter. I hate pickles anyhow.

Golem: Five to the forth power is... 125 times 5! I'm ready for the test!

Nick: MORPH TO CODE RED! I'm not ready for the test now!


~And thus the test began.~

Test Giver: Question Numero Uno: When did Captain Crunch invent his cereal?

Golem, Nick, Pam: Yo, yo, hangin' with Mr. Test Giver!

TG: Answer the question or the refridgerator GETS IT!

~cue inspiration/turning point for the good music~

Golem: Seventeenth century, three-hundred days, and fourteen hours!

TG: Incorrect! Next question: Will help come, and where?

Nick: Possibly! Hamburg, Australia!

TG: What does the midway gate make Mario if he's small in Super Mario World?

Pam: An evil warlord!

TG: You all got the questions wrong, but right!

~from nowhere a crowd gathers and rolls out a red carpet for our three ..::insert synonym for main characters here::.. and go down it~

Nick: Well, I s'pose this is goodbye.

Pam: I hope we can meet again. But for now, so long!

Golem: ~as walking down the endless red carpet~ Byyyyyye!

~And so, Golem said goodbye to his two friends, as each one of them had to go different ways. Being the webmaster of this site, he will remain our main character.~

Golem: Dat's all, folks! ~winks as the screen fades black, then credits show~ ~cue cool credits music(copy and paste into your taskbar) as scenes from Bored Page season one show on the right side of the screen, and the credits roll on the left side~
Golem: Is Nick dead?
Deterioration OGs
at VGF's OG Forum
Nick: Yahoo!
Season 1 Credits Maker:
Pam: Give me back my site! ~slams hands on table~
Special Thanks To:
-The people that didn't sue me for mentioning them
-vending machines everywhere
-my sister, for some stuff
-my teachers
Pam: 4 Kids President?

So, what'll we do in THIS edition of "Someone is bored so they came here and it isn't updated regularly but what the hey might as well have it on the page"?

What'll we do? I mean, we ARE really bored.
I know! Let's check out some cool sites!

Mario Pokémon Central
Super Mario Brothers Headquarters
The Mushroom Kingdom
The SMB Info Station
The Pointless Place

Still bored? Good! Now just read from now on.
You know what that means, don't you?...
Why, it means that today we get a special visit from some girl I never met before--SuSu!

MB Gold(Golem is representing MB Gold today): Hello!

SuSu: Do you uhh... Yahoo?

MBG: Yes, I have... well, I just realized that Nick is doin' som'in' like this! You know, interviews...
Yet I never thought that 'till two seconds ago! Do you think this interview idea came from my subconcious? Or has Nick died, and he is haunting my brain and giving me his ideas?

SuSu: YAHOOLIGANS!!! Go there today kids!

MBG: Were you sent by Yahoo? Or is Nick haunting my mouth, forcing me to say weird stuff?

SuSu: Both are really cool search engines!
MSN, Hotbot, Metacrawler, Google... the list of inferrior search engines goes on and on!

MBG: I think she's advertising Yahoo and their sites.
What do you think?
Is Nick haunting me?
Is SuSu advertising Yahoo?
Is Nick haunting SuSu?
Am I advertising Yahoo?
Is Nick haunting Yahoo?
Is Nick advertising Yahoo?
Will Josh and Reva be reunited, or separated by Bill's nefarious scheme?
Is either Josh, Reva, or Bill advertising Yahoo?
Are any of them haunted by Nick?
Is this getting tedious?
Is the tediousness being caused by Nick haunting me or anyone else?
Were all these questions made just for the purpose of making as many Yahoo links as I can?
Will Ash Ketchum, pokémon trainer, catch the mysterious pokémon or be shamed in front of his girlfriend, Misty?
What kind of town is named "New Bark Town"?
Will Pamster defeat 4Kids, or will they force her to delete everything interesting on her page?
Will they also delete her EzBoard?
Are Pam, her EzBoard, or her page being haunted by Nick?
Are any of them advertising Yahoo?
Could I qualify for the game show "20 Questions"?
Is "20 Questions" advertising Yahoo?
Is it haunted by Nick?
Will SuSu, Nick, Reva, Josh, Bill, and/or I appear on "20 Questions"?
Is "20 Questions" really a game show?
Are these questions getting unoriginal?
Will anyone besides my co-siteworkers see this page?
Are my co-siteworkers advertising Yahoo?
Are any of them haunted by Nick?
Is Nick REALLY dead?
If so, is his body being haunted by another person or himself?
Should I use this big font?
Does raw HTML code need to be cooked before healthy for ingestion?
Will I ever stop asking these stupid questions?
Find out next time, on...

Is the REALLY REALLY BORED Page advertising Yahoo?
Is it haunted by Nick?

Questions? Comments? E-mail and appear in the mailbag. Or do it more privately and e-mail

Submissions and rebuttals should be e-mailed to Proper credit will be given, and please tell me if you don't want your e-mail revealed on the site.


Mario, Luigi, and all related characters are copyright © Nintendo. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright © SEGA/SONIC TEAM. All original materials on the "Nintendo Fans" web site and its HTML code are copyright © 2003, 2004 Greg Livingston, save for submitted materials (contact Greg Livingston using the above e-mails for more information). No profit is made from anything belonging to other companies (including Nintendo, SEGA, and Accolade), nor is it an attempt to infringe upon the copyright. I am not affiliated with Nintendo or any other video game company in any way.