Nintendo Fans: The Bored Page: Season 3 (That's a Digit)
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The Bored Page
Season 1/Season 1
Movie 1/Movie 1
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Season 3/Season 3
Movie 3/Movie 3

The Stylings of Flutter

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The Bored Page Season ThReE

Episode 1, the one that is first, it's before all the others, I'm sure you're fairly familiar with it.

NTCooN: All was peaceful, until one day, when...

Someone Who Isn't Toad: ~falls on Someone's head~

Someone: Another anvil?

Someone Who Isn't Toad: ~nods~

Someone: ~sigh~ ~takes Someone Who Isn't Toad off head~

Someone Who Isn't Toad: I hate being an anvil.

Someone: ...

Someone Who Isn't Toad: Your line's next.

Someone: Eh?

Someone Who Isn't Toad: Wait a second... No, that couldn't be.

Someone: ...

Someone Who Isn't Toad: D00d...

Someone: Elipse...

Someone Who Isn't Toad: I know this sounds ridiculous, but...
Doesn't something happen now?

Someone: ~bursts out laughing~

Someone Who Isn't Toad: ~joins in laughter~

Someone: ~stops laughing, Someone Who Isn't Toad follows suit~ Yeah.

Someone Who Isn't Toad: Are you Toad?

Someone: Yeah.

Someone Who Is Toad: "Is" shouldn't be capitalized.

Someone Who Isn't Toad: Hey, look, behind you! It's Flutter!

Someone Who Is Toad: ~looks back~ Does he have the Flux Capacitor?!

Someone Who Isn't Toad: ~runs away and bumps into Luigi~

Episode 2: You'll Wish the Bored Page were Never Revived After This!

Luigi: It's-a me-a, ~explode~

Not Toad: We saw that one coming.

Toad: Wait a second... that isn't good, is it?

Luigi: ~shrug~

Toad: Wait a second... Are you Luigi?

Luigi: ~answer~

Toad: That's pretty lame.

Not Toad: Let's see what Dagn Dagn Dagn is doing today!

Toad: That show isn't on right now.

TV: Right now, right now, right now!

Not Toad: Look, Dagn Dagn Dagn! Let's watch the theme song!

~focus on the TV screen~

Dagn Dagn Dagn Reporter 1 (DDDR1): We can't sing on key,

DDDR2: But,... something something sooooooooomethiiiiiiiiing!

~they sit down at a desk~

DDDR1: Today's show is fantastic!

DDDR2: Actually, that's a lie.

DDDR1: But you still have to watch!

DDDR2: That's right! ~presses button on desk that plays the sound of Isaac (from Golden Sun) pressing a Jeopardy buzzer~

DDDR1: Anyhow, let's get on with the show! Today's lamest story: spork surgery! Let's go to our on location reporter, DDDR3! ~points to screen off-set~

~focus on screen~

DDDR3: I want a better name.

~focus back to Dagn Dagn Dagn~

DDDR2: Thank you! ~presses button on desk, sound follows~

DDDR1: I remember the first time I heard that, I thought it was Mario pressing a Jeopardy buzzer.

DDDR2: Anyhow, that's it for today! Were you amazed how little sporkness you saw on the supposed Spork Sports Show? You should be, ya lazy bum!

DDDR1: We leave you with these scenes from the latest spelling bee contest from Holeinthewall Elementary School.

Episode 3: The Journeys of Marco Polo XXI, AKA the Prediction

Luigi: Why did we just watch that?

Not Toad: It wasn't an excuse to play checkers behind your back.

Luigi: Checkers is a threat to all that is free and good!

Toad: Why do you feel so strongly about checkers?

Luigi: Well... ~fade into flashback~

Luigi: ~hair in a fro while playing Go Fish~ Oh, man!

Mario: ~walks in~ Why is your hair in a fro? And why are you playing Go Fish against yourself?

Luigi: What?! ~looks at calendar to see that it's 2003~ NOOOO!

Mario: This is a pretty lame flashback.

~Fade back into present~

Luigi: You know, that never happened.

Toad: That was pretty weird.

Not Toad: Yeah. He just stared off into space for a few, then said, "You know, that never happened."

Luigi: Look, it's not my fault!

Not Toad: In any case, this story won't move itself. Come on, we still haven't dealt with the fact that RealGTX is Wario, Waluigi is an Anvil, and Golem is Luigi.

Wario: Woah! Here I am!

Anvil: Okay, THAT was lame.

Lame: ~panting~ I'm... here...!

Anvil: Dude.
Don't make me fall on you.

Mario: It's-a me-a, Mario!

Luigi: He knows his name?

TJ: Not much else.

Wario: Shhh, nobody's supposed to remember you.

Episode 4: A New Hope

Toad: Do you think that's the right episode title?

Luigi: How should I know?

Anvil: I hardly find that fair.

Everyone: What?!

Hamster: ~runs in a hamster wheel~

Wario: I thought we fired him.

Mario: It's-a me-a... Ummm... Cue card!

Cue Card: Oh for goodness' sake!

Mario: What did I do?

Not Toad: The hamster's getting away!

Toad: And he's got our giant spaceship!

Spaceship: -_-;

Not Toad: Wait, since when did we have a giant spaceship?

Luigi: ~whistles, shifts eyes~

Hamster: Now my plan is complete!

Hamster: Now my plan is complete!

Mario: On a tiny star somewhere far, far away from earth, there is a very special place known as Dream Land.

Mario: On a tiny star somewhere far, far away from earth, there is a very special place known as Dream Land.

Luigi: What's your nefarious scheme this time, Hamster?!

Luigi: What's your nefarious scheme this time, Hamster?!

Hamster: That's my line...!

Hamster: That's my line...!

Hamster: That's my line...!

Luigi: No it isn't!

Luigi: No it isn't!

Luigi: No it isn't!

Not Toad: Then what's my line?

Not Toad: Then what's my line?

Not Toad: Then what's my line?

Mario: Hardware accessories, game paks ("product"): Hardware only to expedite authorization of any required warranty work. We recommend that you complete and return your warranty card within 10 days of purchase (or receipt as a gift).

Mario: Hardware accessories, game paks ("product"): Hardware only to expedite authorization of any required warranty work. We recommend that you complete and return your warranty card within 10 days of purchase (or receipt as a gift).

Mario: Hardware accessories, game paks ("product"): Hardware only to expedite authorization of any required warranty work. We recommend that you complete and return your warranty card within 10 days of purchase (or receipt as a gift).

Mario: Hardware accessories, game paks ("product"): Hardware only to expedite authorization of any required warranty work. We recommend that you complete and return your warranty card within 10 days of purchase (or receipt as a gift).

Cue Card: It was Luigi's line. Then came my line.

Cue Card: It was Luigi's line. Then came my line.

Cue Card: It was Luigi's line. Then came my line.

Cue Card: It was Luigi's line. Then came my line.

Sonic the Hedge Trimmer: Come back next month to see if Hamster can defeat King K. Rool! If not, what will happen to the American Idol judges?! And what about that vat full of AIR?!?!

Wario: I know we fired him.

Sonic the Hedge Trimmer: I'm not Sonic the Hedge Trimmer... ~unzip Pepsi Twist style~ I'm a balloon!

Cue Card: Not Splinky the Balloon!

Wario: What's so wrong with Splinky the Balloon?!

Cue Card: Let's just say... he has no feet!

Luigi: And?

Splinky the Balloon: I don't need to buy shoes.

King K. Rool: I heard my name, what was said about me?


Written by Wasuki, edited by Golem.

Meanwhile, in R-Space--that is, our dimension, as opposed to Mario and Luigi's dimension...

There is a new cast of the characters to replace those that have taken over the bodies of the video game characters...

Narrator: It was a cold harsh day- oh wait, wrong story! It all started when Luigigamer Golem walked into Gamestop...

Golem: Hmm...Who's narrarating this? Is that Robert Stack?

Mr. Vampire: I'm dead, but i'm still a dang good narrarrator. At least, that's what The Count told me.

RealGtx: Hey

Mr. Vampire: Your supposed to come out later!

RealGtx: Are you sure? Your under MY contract which means I control you!

Wasuki: Once you pop, the fun don't stop!

Nintenfreak: O.o

Golem: Anyways...continue...

Pringles Can: I'm watching you!

Fyre Ball: Don't make me spork you...

Wasuki: Too...Many...Cameos...

Mr. Vampire: Thats it! I'm leaving! (Goes back in his coffin)

RealGtx: Pft...he want back in his grave...

Golem: Now what...

Wasuki: Napoleon can help us--Oh wait...

Sgt. Flutter: I'm still at the talking Pringles Can...

Lays Patato Chip Bag: What about me?

Wonder Wario: Hey! Chips!

Paper Towel Roll: Don't make me pistol whip you...

Homer Simpson: Hmm...Pistol Whip!

Wasuki: Too...Many...Plot Holes!

Fyre Ball: Plot Holes? Does this even have a plot?

Golem: No...

Nintenfreak: I want more speaking parts!

Linta: I'm just an extra...

Ickey Woods: *does the Ickey Shuffle*

Wasuki: Hey! Join In! (Also does the Ickey Shuffle)

Sgt. Flutter: No....Just No...

Bob The Builder: I will conquer!

Golem: No You Won't! *Golem stuffs Bob The Builder into a suitcase*


Wasuki: O.o

Golem: Good Idea!

Nintenfreak: I call Shotgun!

Wasuki: I call Ak-47

Golem and RealGtx: -_- Backseats...

Fyre Ball: Where does that leave me?

Sgt. Flutter: Your not going! I am!

Golem: Guys...theres plenty of the trunk...

Sgt. Flutter: I call roof! (Flutter stands on the roof)

Wasuki: So where are we going?

Pringles Can: To the North Pole!

Lays Patato Chip Bag: South Pole!

RealGtx: Where'd you two come from?

Pringles Can: Plot Inconsistencies?

Micheal Jackson: I'm Peter Pan!

HWPhaeton: He said Pee! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wonder Wario: It's Brett Favre!

Cardboard-backed picture of Brett Favre: ...

Golem: Drive away, Nintenfreak! DRIVE FAST!

Episode 6: Al Gore Convention
Written by Wasuki, edited by Golem.

Golem: Geez, we've been in this car for days!

Luigi: My bum hurts!

RealGTX: Where'd you come from?

Luigi: I live in here! You just came in and drove off with me inside

Mario: Quiet you! *slaps Luigi*

Wasuki: Who's driving again?

Nintenfreak: I think it was me. But I put the car in cruise control and I havn't touched anything since.

Flutter: Watch out gang! It looks like an Al Gore political rally!


Golem: It could get worse! We might've ended up...WATCHING GIGLI!

Bowser102: Or From Justin To Kelly!

Bobby Boucher's mamma: JUSTIN TO KELLY IS THE DEVIL!

Fyre Ball: Why am I here again?

Wasuki: Beats me!

RealGTX: *gets out a sledgehammer*

Wasuki: Hit him! *points to the car seat*

Cheese Nips: GET YOUR OWN BOX!

Golem: Watch out for the Al Gore mousepad!

Nintenfreak: Its alri-


South Park: OMG! YOU KILLED AL-GORE! ...The mousepad!

Golem: *claps* That was beautiful!

Ultimate N: WARNING! The Views expressed by the people in this car are not those of CBS or General Electric, or the George W. Bush campaign.

Al Gore: Help!


Bart: Do the Bartman!

Golem: NOW!

Robert Stack: What will become of Golem, Wasuki, Realgtx, and company? Stay tuned to the next episode of Dragon Ball- I mean The Bored Page, Season 3!

Episode 7: The Next Episode of Dragon Ball--I Mean The Bored Page Season 3!
Written by Golem.

RealGTX: Phew... that was a close one.

Nintenfreak: It's not over yet!!!

Wasuki: What do you mean?!

Nintenfreak: It's our ebil counterparts!! Yes, eBil!!!

Golem: Where? I don't see them.

~At this point, they are driving on the world's largest tennis shoe, which happens to be made of pencil shavings. Interesting, huh? Anyway, the ebil counterparts are driving right next to our heroes.~

Wagolem: Haha! We got 'em right where we want 'em!

Wasuki: You guys are early!!

Ebil Guys: ~in unison, except hours apart~ Whay?!

Wasuki: Yeah! Your entrance was supposed to kick off The Bored Page Movie 3! Go away!

Pencil Shaving #44444445444number8: I'm a SUPER SHA-ZZING!!!!! Pow-ur UP!!!

~Pencil Shaving #44444445444number8, henceforth called Al Gore poster, leaps forth from the giant mass of pencil shavings and delivers a milkshake and 11 keyboards to everyone in their respective cars.~

Flutter: Alright! Everyone, give me your keyboard!

Good guys: ~nod, fork 'em over~

HWphaeton: I'm getting outta here before this turns into a sandbox filled with existential quandaries...

National Association for the Advancement of Sandboxes Filled with Existential Quandaries (NAASFEQ): Meh, we'll let that slide.

HWphaeton: ~phew~ ~hops out of car and into something~


Bad guys: ~nod, fork 'em over~

Mario, Luigi, RealGTX, Golem, Wasuki, Nintenfreak, Wonder Wario: Together, with 88 keyboards...

Flutter: I become AIEEEE!!!!! WHOEWESSSS!!!!!!!! SUPAH HERO COOLIO!!!!!!!

Wario, Waluigi, Supreme Commander GTX, Wagolem, Suki, Big Bull, Monder Mario: Together, with 88 keebordushi--

Flutter's Rival: I become EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT?!?!?!

Everyone: But we just call them by their normal names.

NAASFEQ: ~rushedly scribbling down notes~ We'd appreciate that.

NBA All-star Cal Ripken: Yo yo yo, welcome to my crib, today on MTV Cribs!! ~points to baby crib with diagram of a lung floating over it~

NTCOON: What's going to happen?!?! AIE!!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!! GET OFF MY CASE!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEE!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE ALLLLLLL C A A A A A A A A P S S S S S S S S S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O W W W W W W W W W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Episode 8: The Legend DOESN'T Continue
Written by Wasuki, edited by Golem.

NTCooN: While our heros and villans square off in the face of death, well...face of laughter and stupidity, we take you to the NFA Chat Room! Which is always a nice little touch.

Aaron Guy: I'm all alone...

Peter Jackson: ~Comes in~ Hello? Were here to accept our awards...

Aaron Guy: Hold up! This isn't the Oscars...

Green monster in a trash can: @#$%!!!

Elijah Wood: But Nintendo Fans Alliance owes up 4 awards! Just throw your awards into my giant bag full of oscars....

Mario0672: Thats LIES! ALL LIES!

Aaron Guy: Well...I don't have any awards...but I do have a box full of AOL trial discs...

Peter Jackson: ~snatches the box~ And the winner of the best performing hobbit goes it...Elijah Wood! ~hands Elijah Wood the box of discs~

Elijah Wood: YAAAAY! ~starts dancing as AOL discs start to fall out of the box~

AOL Disc 1: ;-; I feel so rejected.

AOL Disc 2: I hate numbers.

AOL Disc: Ahh, this is better.

AOL Disc: But how do we tell which one is talking?

Lunchbox Man, Hero of Window Treatments and Letter Openers: Hold on! You stole this from us!

Lunch in a Paper Bag Boy (henceforth LiaPBB for annoyful purposes): Yeah! We did that same exact thing on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update on 3/7/2004!

Lunchbox Man: We don't even do SNL's Weekend Update.

LiaPBB: Shut up, it's all part of my grandiose failure warning.

Aaron Guy: Well Bring it on!


Lunchbox Man: You'll pay... in Monopoly currency!

Hotdog Vendor: COME GET YER HOTDOG!! ...Roll.

Peanut Throwing Guy: COME GET YER PEANUTS!! ...Shells.

~Mario0672 and Aaron Guy battle Lunchbox Man and LiaPBB in a fight for the ages~

FCC: Woah! Hold up a bit sparky!

Sparky: BARK BARK!

FCC: This is waaaay too violent!

Violet: No i'm not!

Violent: He's not talking about you, he's talking about me!

Violet: Sheez... no one appreciates us any more...

Maroon: Let's skip town, Violet. We'll have adventures, tell stories over campfires, and best of all, forget what I was going to end this sentence with...

FCC: Because this is way to violent, we will have to take this off air...

NTCoon: We now return back to our heros and evil heros as they battle it out!

~The Chariots of Fire theme plays as the two cars battle each other out~

Wa-Golem: Give up! YOU WILL NOT WIN!

Pencil Shaving # 52225465644: i'm tired... ~jumps off the shoe and into a bed and falls asleep~

The Villans' Left Front Tire: NOOOO! Watch out for that hole Pencil Shaving # 52225465645 left!

Pencil Shaving # 52225465645: I'm still here...

The Villans' Left Front Tire: My bad. Pencil Shaving # 52225465644 left.

The Villans' Front Bumper: Were going to crash! Wa-Golem isn't paying attention!

Suki: Ha Wasuki! My hair is more puffier and curlier then yours!

Wasuki: How Dare you! My hair is puffier!


Elephant: Something is coming out of my trunk!

John Kerry's Ant Farm: Hello, I'm an ant farm, democratic--~gets run over by the heros' car~

The Hero's Car: Darn! Now we have to endure a Shoe Vs. Toenail Clipper!


Asylum: Here Shoe...Thats a good shoe...


Wa-Golem: Huh?

FFC: The following scene could not be shown to you due to the graphic nature of this program. We replace it with a video of a sleeping cat, a jar of mayonase, and 3 short person clog dancer!

~Video of a sleeping cat, a jar of mayonase, and 3 short person clog dancers~

Short Person Clog Dancer #1: This is fun! Like the ABCs!

Short Person Clog Dancer #2: And our 1,2,3's!

Short Person Clog Dancer #3: I like to color!

Sleeping Cat: ZzZzZzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Jar of Mayonaise: ~just sits there~

MCD#2: Oh my goodness! My Knee!

~MCD#2 falls on top of the jar of mayo, which breaks, that wakes up the cat, which runs off~

FCC: Oh mah gawd J.R.! Oh wait, wrong program! This is also way to violent! We return you to our programing!

~The Villans' car is seen going off the shoe~

Ebil Villans: ~in unison~ Team Rocker Blasts Off Again!

NBA All-Star Cal Ripken: Meowth! Thats Right!

Flutter: Atleast we won't have to endure them until the Bored Page Movie 3...of do we...

~Twilight Zone music plays as Cal Ripken dances with the Jury~


FCC: Hey! Don't make me take you off air!

NTCooN: And what will happen as an Prologue to the movie? I DON'T KNOW! FLORIDA! CALIFORNIA! MONTANA! PLUTO! ~NTCooN unzips himself Pepsi Style to reveal Howard Dean~

FCC: ~unzips himself to unveal McDonald's CEO~

McDonald's CEO: Bah bah bah bah bah...I'm Loving it!

The End?: Why is there a question make after me?

Episode 9: CHUTE IT!
Written by Golem.

Wasuki: So what do we do now?

Flutter: ~looking at a tea kettle in his lap~ Hey, look, a tea kettle! ~puts it in his mouth~

Everyone in car: Flutter, NOOO!!!

Flutter: ~swallows tea kettle~ Flutter digivolved TO...


Scones: Sigh...

Golem: Wow! But Flutter, you don't look any different!

Flutter: That's right now! But look, I can do this! TAG, NINTENFREAK IS IT!!!

~Flutter grits his teeth and clenches his fists, but nothing happens.~

Nintenfreak: Oof?

Flutter: ~returns to normal position~ So... was that cool, or was that cool?

~Then the driver, whoever it is by now, hears screaming and stops the car, then gets out. Everyone else hears the screaming too, and hops out of the car to investigate. The answer lies nearby...~

~Up in the sky, a pixellated Duck Hunt duck flies. Down below stands Nametag, aiming an NES Zapper (with a cord leading to nothing) at the duck while little Name stands nearby yelling at Nametag.~

Golem: ~holding microphone to Name and Nametag~ Describe how you look so that the readers may picture something in their heads.

Nametag: ~still aiming gun~

Name: Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it!

Nametag: Okay, okay! ~presses trigger, nothing happens~

Duck: ~does Duck Hunt Dog laugh~

Name: Wahhhhh, you can do better! Shoot the duck! Shoot it!

Nametag: Right! ~presses trigger, a mysterious "GRINK!" is heard, but nothing changes for a few seconds, until a miniature plastic lamp falls out of nowhere and falls on the duck, making it crash to the shoe~

Fruttel: Errr! We've done this misspelling the name joke before!

Flutter: That's better.

Nintenfreak: Why were you trying to shoot the duck?

Mega Man: I dunno.

Duck: Oh, come on, stop it with the random karp!

Mega Man: Fine... :( ~gloomily walks off the set~

Lamp: Shoot the duck! Shoot it!

Nametag: You can't make me!

Lampé: Oh yeah?

Nametag: Yeah!

Lampézé: Ugh. I'm a corridor to the other shoes!

Duck: What?

Golem: You mean, "Whay?"

Laémpé: Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it! Shoot the duck! Shoot it!

Nametag: Shut up! I pity the what'choo talkin' 'bout CELEBRATE WITHOUT CAUTION!!

RealGTX: I think our work here is done.

Crocodile: I think not.

Duck: We already covered the random character thing.

Crocodile: But I'm here to tell everyone why they should keep on reading.

NES Zappér: Okay, then... why should they?


Episode 10: I'm Such a Freaking Finale!! Hyuk
Lackluster Finaledom

Written by Golem.

Duck: Hey, everybody look! There's a pack of wild tumbleweed coming!!

Nametag: I'm too _____ to die!!

~The tumbleweed pack rolls by, obstructing everyone's view of everything. When it passes, Golem, Wagolem, RealGTX, WarealGTX (AKA Supreme Commander GTX), Nintenfreak (Big Al), Big Bull, Wasuki, Suki, Flutter, Flutter's Rival, Name, Nametag, Duck, NES Zapper, and maybe some other people (depending on who Wasuki wants in the movie) are standing no longer on a giant structure of pencil shavings, but are now standing on an endless platform paved with NES games.~

Golem: We never solved that one plotline. You know, the one where we occupied those video game characters' bodies.

RealGTX: Ah, don't sweat it.

Big Bull: Unsuper Mario RPG: Not the Legend of the Seven Broken Down Cars!!

Name: You wouldn't dare!!

Suki: Sonic (the Piece of Paper) Adventure 2: Rebuttal!!

Flutter's Rival: Let me try. Final Fantasy!!

Supreme Commander GTX: No, it's opposites. For example, Final Fantasy would be ~interrupted by a news broadcast~

News Broadcast: We interrupt this because I hate your guts. Let's go mail a pizza to your cats; I think they need an air freshener that doubles as a family film. It's probably a good idea to stay away from doors if you're going to get attacked by them. Illegal drugs keep spilling out of my floppy drive, do you know anything about that?! A womanizer is someone who can change anything into a woman! A womanizer just points at an object and thinks. So many people think you have a card key, but it's actually just a really funny accent! I mean, how could you get 2 + 2 wrong if you were using ketchup and mozarella?! It's raining 500 molar hydrochloric acid, could you go out and cup your hands to get me some? Put the electric fan out in the rain so that I can predict what the lunch special is today! Where do--

Wasuki: GEEZ! Shut up already!

GGGGGGGGG (Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem Golem): That's an aweosome idea, Nametag.

Nametag: Yep. I plan to start the movie as soon as this episode ends.

RealGTX: Won't this be the third Bored Page Movie?

Nametag: If all goes well, it will be out in the second week of July, 2004 CE.

Golem: This is basically a filler episode to carry us into the movie.

Name: GUITAR SOLO!! Hey, guys, it's such a cool day for selling air banjos on eBay!

The Bored Page Movie 3: ~sigh~ Whatevr happend to thoes guys? U no, TJ, Stephen, Dominic, Dominick, and Danz...

Golem: Will everyone please stop making references to unsolved stuff?!

The Bored Page Movie 3: ...Am I here yet?!

Supreme Commander GTX: Hey, let's have a battle with our rivals. Oh, wait, NOW I remember. This is how it goes:


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Mario, Luigi, and all related characters are copyright © Nintendo. Sonic the Hedgehog and all related characters are copyright © SEGA/SONIC TEAM. All original materials on the "Nintendo Fans" web site and its HTML code are copyright © 2003, 2004 Greg Livingston, save for submitted materials (contact Greg Livingston using the above e-mails for more information). No profit is made from anything belonging to other companies (including Nintendo, SEGA, and Accolade), nor is it an attempt to infringe upon the copyright. I am not affiliated with Nintendo or any other video game company in any way.